医学图像分割的深度学习模型可能会出乎意料地且出乎意料地失败,而与训练图像相比,在不同中心获得的病理案例和图像,标签错误违反了专家知识。此类错误破坏了对医学图像细分的深度学习模型的可信赖性。检测和纠正此类故障的机制对于将该技术安全地转化为诊所至关重要,并且可能是对未来人工智能法规(AI)的要求。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个值得信赖的AI理论框架和一个实用系统,该系统可以使用后备方法和基于Dempster-Shafer理论的失败机制增强任何骨干AI系统。我们的方法依赖于可信赖的AI的可行定义。我们的方法会自动放弃由骨干AI预测的体素级标签,该标签违反了专家知识,并依赖于这些体素的后备。我们证明了拟议的值得信赖的AI方法在最大的报告的胎儿MRI的注释数据集中,由13个中心的540个手动注释的胎儿脑3D T2W MRI组成。我们值得信赖的AI方法改善了在各个中心获得的胎儿脑MRI和各种脑异常的胎儿的最先进的主链AI的鲁棒性。
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限制机器学习系统的故障对于安全至关重要的应用至关重要。为了提高机器学习系统的鲁棒性,已提出了分配鲁棒优化(DRO)作为经验风险最小化(ERM)的概括。然而,由于与ERM的随机梯度下降(SGD)优化器相比,由于可用于DRO的优化器的相对效率相对效率相对低效率,因此在深度学习中的使用受到了严格的限制。我们建议使用硬度加权采样的SGD,这是机器学习中DRO的原则性高效优化方法,在深度学习的背景下特别适合。与实践中的硬示例挖掘策略类似,所提出的算法可以直接实施和计算,并且与用于深度学习的基于SGD的优化器一样有效,需要最小的开销计算。与典型的临时硬采矿方法相反,我们证明了我们的DRO算法的收敛性,用于过度参数化的深度学习网络,并具有RELU激活以及有限数量的层和参数。我们对MRI中胎儿脑3D MRI分割和脑肿瘤分割的实验证明了我们方法的可行性和有用性。使用我们的硬度加权采样进行训练,最先进的深度学习管道可改善自动胎儿脑中解剖学变异的鲁棒性3D MRI分割,并改善了对脑肿瘤分割的图像方案变化的鲁棒性。我们的代码可从https://github.com/lucasfidon/hardnessweightedsampler获得。
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The ability to convert reciprocating, i.e., alternating, actuation into rotary motion using linkages is hindered fundamentally by their poor torque transmission capability around kinematic singularity configurations. Here, we harness the elastic potential energy of a linear spring attached to the coupler link of four-bar mechanisms to manipulate force transmission around the kinematic singularities. We developed a theoretical model to explore the parameter space for proper force transmission in slider-crank and rocker-crank four-bar kinematics. Finally, we verified the proposed model and methodology by building and testing a macro-scale prototype of a slider-crank mechanism. We expect this approach to enable the development of small-scale rotary engines and robotic devices with closed kinematic chains dealing with serial kinematic singularities, such as linkages and parallel manipulators.
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Neural network (NN) potentials promise highly accurate molecular dynamics (MD) simulations within the computational complexity of classical MD force fields. However, when applied outside their training domain, NN potential predictions can be inaccurate, increasing the need for Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). Bayesian modeling provides the mathematical framework for UQ, but classical Bayesian methods based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) are computationally intractable for NN potentials. By training graph NN potentials for coarse-grained systems of liquid water and alanine dipeptide, we demonstrate here that scalable Bayesian UQ via stochastic gradient MCMC (SG-MCMC) yields reliable uncertainty estimates for MD observables. We show that cold posteriors can reduce the required training data size and that for reliable UQ, multiple Markov chains are needed. Additionally, we find that SG-MCMC and the Deep Ensemble method achieve comparable results, despite shorter training and less hyperparameter tuning of the latter. We show that both methods can capture aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty reliably, but not systematic uncertainty, which needs to be minimized by adequate modeling to obtain accurate credible intervals for MD observables. Our results represent a step towards accurate UQ that is of vital importance for trustworthy NN potential-based MD simulations required for decision-making in practice.
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Fake news detection has become a research area that goes way beyond a purely academic interest as it has direct implications on our society as a whole. Recent advances have primarily focused on textbased approaches. However, it has become clear that to be effective one needs to incorporate additional, contextual information such as spreading behaviour of news articles and user interaction patterns on social media. We propose to construct heterogeneous social context graphs around news articles and reformulate the problem as a graph classification task. Exploring the incorporation of different types of information (to get an idea as to what level of social context is most effective) and using different graph neural network architectures indicates that this approach is highly effective with robust results on a common benchmark dataset.
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Choosing which properties of the data to use as input to multivariate decision algorithms -- a.k.a. feature selection -- is an important step in solving any problem with machine learning. While there is a clear trend towards training sophisticated deep networks on large numbers of relatively unprocessed inputs (so-called automated feature engineering), for many tasks in physics, sets of theoretically well-motivated and well-understood features already exist. Working with such features can bring many benefits, including greater interpretability, reduced training and run time, and enhanced stability and robustness. We develop a new feature selection method based on Distance Correlation (DisCo), and demonstrate its effectiveness on the tasks of boosted top- and $W$-tagging. Using our method to select features from a set of over 7,000 energy flow polynomials, we show that we can match the performance of much deeper architectures, by using only ten features and two orders-of-magnitude fewer model parameters.
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标准化流是可易处理的密度模型,可以近似复杂的目标分布,例如物理系统的玻尔兹曼分布。但是,当前的训练流量要么具有寻求模式的行为,要么使用昂贵的MCMC模拟事先生成的目标样本,要么使用具有很高差异的随机损失。为了避免这些问题,我们以退火重要性采样(AIS)增强流量,并最大程度地减少覆盖$ \ alpha $ -divergence的质量,并使用$ \ alpha = 2 $,从而最大程度地减少了重要性的重量差异。我们的方法是流动性Bootstrap(Fab),使用AIS在流动较差的目标区域中生成样品,从而促进了新模式的发现。我们以AIS的最小差异分布来定位,以通过重要性抽样来估计$ \ alpha $ -Divergence。我们还使用优先的缓冲区来存储和重复使用AIS样本。这两个功能显着提高了Fab的性能。我们将FAB应用于复杂的多模式目标,并表明我们可以在以前的方法失败的情况下非常准确地近似它们。据我们所知,我们是第一个仅使用非均衡目标密度学习丙氨酸二肽分子的玻璃体分布,而无需通过分子动力学(MD)模拟生成的样品:FAB与通过最大可能性训练更好的效果,而不是通过最大可能性产生的结果。在MD样品上使用100倍的目标评估。在重新获得重要权重的样品后,我们获得了与地面真相几乎相同的二面角的无偏直方图。
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鉴于HEP研究的核心,数据科学(DS)和机器学习(ML)在高能量物理学(HEP)中的作用增长良好和相关。此外,利用物理数据固有的对称性激发了物理信息的ML作为计算机科学研究的充满活力的子场。 HEP研究人员从广泛使用的材料中受益匪浅,可用于教育,培训和劳动力开发。他们还为这些材料做出了贡献,并为DS/ML相关的字段提供软件。物理部门越来越多地在DS,ML和物理学的交集上提供课程,通常使用HEP研究人员开发的课程,并涉及HEP中使用的开放软件和数据。在这份白皮书中,我们探讨了HEP研究与DS/ML教育之间的协同作用,讨论了此交叉路口的机会和挑战,并提出了将是互惠互利的社区活动。
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